Institutional Money, Ausgabe 4 | 2023

9 30 38 21 3 Weniger als $100M $100M bis weniger als $1B $1B bis weniger als $10B $10B bis weniger als $100B $100B bis weniger als $500B 20 40 40 North America APAC Europe 37 29 19 10 4 40 31 20 7 3 2023 2022 1–25% 26–50% 51–75% 76–99% 100% 36% North America 46% Europe 41% APAC Voice of theAssetOwnerSurvey2023 QuantitativeAnalysis 6 Whatare the leadingmotivatorsandbarriers for considering ESG in the investmentprocess? Whenasked to select the threemost important reasons theirorganizationhas chosen to invest in ESG -focused assetsor vehicles, seniormanagement/leadershipwas the top response inboth 2023 and 2022 .Ethical morals/principles, externalpressure,andboth internationaland local regulationpersistaspopular responsesas well.Stakeholderpressure received considerably fewer responses in 2023 than in 2022 . Rationale for considering ESG in the investment process - top three (%) IP3.Asked toall respondents (n=500) 0 10 20 30 40% Seniormanagement/leadership Ethical/moralprinciples Externalpressure (e.g.,media, campaigngroups) International regulationsand regulators Local regulationsand regulators Externaladvisors/assetmanagers Internalpressure (e.g.,advocateswithin theorganization) Fiduciary responsibilities/requirements Stakeholderpressure -e.g.,policy holdersandplanparticipants 2022 2023 Theprimarybarriers topursuingan ESG strategy this yearare similar to those voicedbyassetowners in 2022 ,with impacton returns continuingas the leading challenge (38%) , followedby lackofavailableproducts (32%) . Lackof standardizeddata,unreliableorout-of-datedata,and regulation showed themost significant changes since last year.Client/stakeholder reluctance ismoreofan issue in APAC nations (38% -not shown ) compared to 31% globally,whileunreliableorout-of-datedata isnotasmuchofan issue inNorthAmerica (20% -not shown ) as it isglobally (29%) . Voice of the Asset Owner Survey 20 3 Quantitative Analysis ConductedbyMoringstar IndexesandMorningstarSusainalytics 2023 Thomas Kuh Head of ESG Strategy, Morningstar Indexes Arnold Gast ESG Research Director, Morningstar Sustainalytics Laden Sie den Bericht herunter